Our US Airborne range comprises of 72 figures, which includes three sections, command group, and support weapons. The troopers are armed with a mix of Garand rifles, Thompson sub machine guns, carbines, and BAR. The support weapons include mortars and .30 cal Browning’s, as well as Bazookas.

Prior to D Day US Airborne troops had already been fighting in the North African and Mediterranean theatre, including the invasions of Sicily and Italy. Arguably the US Airborne’s most famous units are the 82nd “All American” Division, so called since its initial members came from all 48 states, the basis for its famed "AA" on the shoulder patch, and the 101 st Airborne Division - “Screaming Eagles”. The figures can be painted up to represent both units at the time of Operation “Overlord” the Allied invasion of Northern France, when US and British paratroopers landed over the night of 5th/6th June - ahead of the D Day Normandy beach landings. Immortalised in the series “Band of Brothers”, based on the book by Steven Ambrose, the US Airborne fought their way from Normandy through France and the Low Countries into Germany, the operations at Nijmegen being amongst other famous battles. Almost as notable as the Normandy campaign was the stubborn resistance by both Divisions during the Battle of the Bulge, Germany’s last gasp attempt in the West to throw the Allies back. On 21–22 December 1944, the Airborne faced counterattacks from three powerful Waffen SS Divisions which included the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich, and the 9th SS Panzer Division Hohenstaufen. The Waffen SS efforts to relieve Kampfgruppe Peiper failed due to the stubborn defence of the Airborne during the siege of Bastogne, famous for the response of Brigadier General McAuliffe when offered the chance to surrender, he reportedly replied “nuts”, or more probably something rather more choice!