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Here you can see amazing examples of completed figures by our talented customers. If you'd like to send in any photos of your work with our models we'd love to see them!

Our Figures In Action: Text

DAK Attack by David Williams

Beautifully painted LRDG figures and our DAK Attack cards and rule book in action

British Paras in Arnhem by Matt Gosling

See these beautifully painted figures from our British Para range in action in Holland

German Troops Catching a Ride by Mike C

Our "Tank Riders" from the German Waffen SS range sat atop a Panther tank  

Paras Getting Ready for Action by Jim Dunham

Figures from our Fallschirmjaeger and US Paras ranges, wonder where they will meet next, somewhere in Normandy?

Our Figures In Action: Text

Battlegroup Fall of the Reich by Ian Day

Here you can see both our Volkssturm & Volksgrenadiers figures from our Defenders of the Reich range.

Our Figures In Action: Pro Gallery